A one day conference organized and hosted by Guerilla Science at the Pratt Institute, New York for “artists who love science, and scientists who love to create.”
The full report is available here.
To mark our tenth year Guerilla Science hosted a gathering that brought together people interested in “artists who love science, and scientists who love to create.” The event included presenters in diverse fields from activism, performance art, theater, design and media, advertising, film, and science education. During four plenary sessions and seven workshops, participants recalled childhood memories, looked through microscopes, created meaning from magazine scraps, designed a utopian society, explored the incredible power of branding, and honed pitches for new performances, exhibitions, and films inspired by science. The conference included opportunities to network, create art, learn from others, and relax and unwind during lunch and the cocktail hour at the end of the day.
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Are you looking for new and creative ways to explore science or communicate scientific ideas? Send us a message! We’d love to hear from you.