Jelly Brain Dissection

An edible journey into the human mind.


A gently wobbling brain on a plate is dissected as a neuroscientist explains the functional anatomy of this incredible organ, and how we know that certain parts of the brain are responsible for different things and the role each part plays in aspects of the audience’s everyday lives, e.g. memory, planning, decision making etc. and evolution of this magnificent organ. As each part of the brain is dissected, pieces are fed to members of the audience.

Guerilla Science Jelly Brains.
©Richard Eaton 07778 395888
Guerilla Science Jelly Brains. 19.9.19 ©Richard Eaton 07778 395888


Surprising, fun, and slightly disgusting, audiences at events around the UK and Europe have discussed human brain anatomy with practicing neuroscientists while devouring mouthfuls of delicious jelly brain. This unique and spectacular feast is interactive, informative, and suitable to a range of ages.


Jelly Brain Dissection has been produced for Hendrick’s Gin, Atlas Obscura and the Barbican.


“Guerilla Science created an unforgettable and illuminating event to kick off our London science weekend with Atlas Obscura and the New York Times Journeys. Working with them was truly a pleasure. They were imaginative, flexible, and professional, and the experiences they come up with are always surprising, playful, and fun. I can’t wait to work with them again!”

Rachel Bouton
Program Manager, Domestic and Co-Branded Trips
Atlas Obscura


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Are you looking for new and creative ways to explore science or communicate scientific ideas? Send us a message! We’d love to hear from you.
