
We have developed a wide range of experiences including bespoke activations for well-known brands, music festival programming, immersive dining pop-up installations, workshops, short films and more. Here is a selection of our previous work to give you a flavour of Guerilla Science.

  • All
  • Festivals
  • Immersive
  • Multisensory
  • Activations
  • Training
Image: Rita Platts

Sencity London

Image: Wellcome Collection

Superhuman Storytelling

London Rising next to Denning Point. Image by Bradley L Garrett.

Listening to the City at Rest

Freudian cocktails were served up for the Wellcome Trust and BFI Screenwriting Fellowship awards in London.

Freudian Cocktails

The students work on an algae-inspired animation.

Project Floater

Rest & its Discontents


Get in Touch

Are you looking for new and creative ways to explore science or communicate scientific ideas? Send us a message! We’d love to hear from you.
